
Showing posts from 2014

Crazy week

It is weeks like the ones lately that I'm so thankful for my family and friends.  It's a reminder of what is truly important...and what is not.  Sometimes I have to let things slide - helping out at church, getting together with coworkers, accepting another volunteer request.  I try to not feel guilty but it's still a struggle.  I want to do everything but my body is not able to.  I'm learning that it is good to find a few moments to get away to a quiet place and bask in the Lord's peace and just listen to Him.  It restores my soul and body.


Communication is important.  For those who don't step out to make an effort, try.  You are missing out on so much joy, apt to make incorrect assumptions and hold resentments, and in the words of Stephen Covey -  "In the last analysis, what we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do."  I cringe when people say they love yet don't care enough to alleviate another's concerns.  Even when it's hard I will try to communicate.  I can't always agree or make people feel good, but I can be honest and straightforward - and caring.

Always busy

Each day is a blessing and a learning experience.  The way we handle our challenges help to mold us into the people we are.  I have a positive spirit - one that I've worked on for years, especially after my love, Ricky, was paralyzed and suffered daily.  Together we learned to enjoy the smallest details - a short time during the day without pain, the birds chirping, our son learning something new, or a special moment between the two of us bonding the strong love and relationship we shared.  There are days when I get discouraged or burdened but I write it down, think it through - and bounce back.  Life is too important and my time too valuable to let stuff get in the way of enjoying it to the fullest. 


You know how sometimes someone says something or does something so thoughtless that you want to just say, "Really? You actually think I'm that spineless that I'm going to allow myself to be run over like that?" I've always been the peacemaker and the one that wants others to like them, going out of my way to show love whether or not it's returned.   But...there comes a time when your young daughter starts noticing and you have to say that is enough.  She has been hurt by seeing how these certain people treat her mommy. I have to set an example for her. I don't want her to make the same mistakes I've made by letting others run over me.  There came a time a few years back when I got to the end of my rope. I finally got tired of a certain family situation and I blew.  In doing that, I destroyed years of trying to be the good influence, the sane one, and the fair one. It was one of those situations where two adults were acting like spoiled brats without co

This week

This week has been one of the most challenging in some time.  At work there were numerous projects due and not enough time or assistance to do it to the best of our ability. At times it seemed I was running on pure adrenaline.  I've also been dealing with guilt.  We've been attending a church for some time but not growing as much as we should.  Attending a friend's church was a last minute decision one Sunday - and we loved the fervancy, excitement, and genuineness of the church.  The church we now belong to has just a handful of members and I hate letting them down by not being there.  I know it's more important that our family attend a church where we can grow and feel the Holy Spirit - but concern that our former church family is floundering and looking for the church to grow makes me sad.  If only our former church would join with the church very close to it, I think both churches would prosper.  Tired - yes, and probably not putting my thoughts down in the most

Memorial Day

Thankful for all the men and women that have fought and served in our armed forces to protect our freedom.  Without their dedication and sacrifice we would not have the privileges we have today. May God continue to bless our armed forces and those that serve our country.


Challenges - To remain indifferent to the challenges we face is indefensible. If the goal is noble, whether or not it is realized within our lifetime is largely irrelevant. What we must do therefore is to strive and persevere and never give up . -Dalai Lama There are times I love challenges, they excite me and motivate me.  Other times, they exhaust me and I allow them to wear me down.  I think the hardest challenges are at times personal.  I've been told to give up - or quit trying so hard - to let things be as they are - in regards to certain situations, but it's so wonderful when things get better. I'm certain there will be many more challenges in the future with our wonderful blended family, but I am also praying that there will be many blessings as we rise to meet those challenges.  May each of us meet our challenges of today head-on, and if we fail, get back up and try again.

Girl Time

Saturday morning, my 7-year-old daughter, Casey, my 18-year-old son, Dakota, and my loving husband, Cleve and I went to an early morning birthday party for one of my and Cleve's grandkids, Charlie.  Charlie is 5 now, thinks he is a big boy, full of energy and interesting conversation, and has a smile like sunshine.  As always at Nana Ray's house, the kitchen (gathering place) is overflowing, full of good smells (Saturday it was chili beans, chicken and rice pudding, and other assorted yummies) and to get around one another is a challenge.  For a introvert such as myself, the constant buzz is pleasant yet a tad overwhelming. Did I share pleasantries with everyone while yet showing the right amount of attention to the kids?  Honestly, I don't know - just keeping my balance and trying not to leave anyone out is tiring.  What I do know is that Charlie had a good time.  His smiles reverberate throughout Nana's household and all that love him couldn't help but be happy. 

Thought for the Day -

"Tomorrow hopes that we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne.

Best Intentions and Blended Families - Random thoughts for the day

Today I was thinking of blended families.  Each one comes with its' challenges and blessings.  Being a step-mom to two grown women with children of their own, I have learned to tread carefully. I never plan my young daughter's birthday party with only her in mind, but instead consider my step-daughter's desires and what they want and whether they might be hurt if I didn't do this or that. I can't plan outings with my steps because they don't want their birth-mother to be upset.  They don't include me on emailed pictures of the grandkids because their birth-mother might be threatened. Grandkids aren't allowed to spend the night because they must consider their mother's feelings first. Now don't think harshly of their b-mother.  She is their mother - the one that helped raise them.  I wasn't around when they were in the home.  I know it would be hard to think of someone that came into their dad's life after they were grown with families of