Girl Time

Saturday morning, my 7-year-old daughter, Casey, my 18-year-old son, Dakota, and my loving husband, Cleve and I went to an early morning birthday party for one of my and Cleve's grandkids, Charlie.  Charlie is 5 now, thinks he is a big boy, full of energy and interesting conversation, and has a smile like sunshine.  As always at Nana Ray's house, the kitchen (gathering place) is overflowing, full of good smells (Saturday it was chili beans, chicken and rice pudding, and other assorted yummies) and to get around one another is a challenge.  For a introvert such as myself, the constant buzz is pleasant yet a tad overwhelming. Did I share pleasantries with everyone while yet showing the right amount of attention to the kids?  Honestly, I don't know - just keeping my balance and trying not to leave anyone out is tiring.  What I do know is that Charlie had a good time.  His smiles reverberate throughout Nana's household and all that love him couldn't help but be happy.  Cleve, Casey, Dakota and I got Char a Ben-10 center and two sticker books. Charlie's mother, Heather (my youngest step-daughter) gave Charlie the ultimate gift - a little boy sleepover the night before.  What fun those boys had! 

After Char's birthday party, Casey and I were treated to two awesome hairstyles by Freda, our lovely hair stylist.  Casey shared with Freda how she loves her own hair when it shines in the sunlight.  Later, Freda and Casey treated me to a song - Chew Tobacco, Chew Tobacco, Chew Tobacco - spit.  I had no recourse readily available to me since Freda was still working on my hair although I thought mean thoughts while Freda laughed. After becoming glamourous girls, Casey and I checked out the new local produce which had rustnail apples - something you don't often run across.  I picked out two lovely tomatoes, a nice red onion, and four of those delicious apples. 

After hitting the produce stand, Casey and I headed to the local library. There we saw a somewhat local (Sparta) falconer and his red-tailed hawk.  The kids were awed seeing the raptor up close and personal.  Imagine little squeals of excitement whenever the hawk flapped her beautiful long wings.  Casey had recently read a book about hawks and she listened with great interest so she was able to answer some of the falconer's questions. Yes, my face glowed with pride and I could barely contain myself from jumping up and down, shouting "That's my girl!  Mine!  Yes, I'm her mommy!"

After picking out some Nancy Clancy books for Casey and some mystery books for myself, we headed to the playgroud area behind the Library.  We played on the big girl swings until my legs were tired.  Then we ran down to the monkey bars and swingsets for some more fun.  Casey made up a fun little ditty on the drums on the playground.  That girl has got rhythim.  She starts playing and hips and arms start swinging - and then I remember I'm around others and stop.  I almost forgot I was an introvert.  That little girl brings out the best in me.  Guess that's why we are bestest buddies forever.  After playing we had a really late lunch (around 2:00) at Pizza Hut (her choice) and played "guess what".  After returning home, she played outdoors with puppies and in the field with her toys while I chilled and caught up on my reading.  I think it was just about the best day a couple of girlfriends could have. 


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