
Showing posts from June, 2014


You know how sometimes someone says something or does something so thoughtless that you want to just say, "Really? You actually think I'm that spineless that I'm going to allow myself to be run over like that?" I've always been the peacemaker and the one that wants others to like them, going out of my way to show love whether or not it's returned.   But...there comes a time when your young daughter starts noticing and you have to say that is enough.  She has been hurt by seeing how these certain people treat her mommy. I have to set an example for her. I don't want her to make the same mistakes I've made by letting others run over me.  There came a time a few years back when I got to the end of my rope. I finally got tired of a certain family situation and I blew.  In doing that, I destroyed years of trying to be the good influence, the sane one, and the fair one. It was one of those situations where two adults were acting like spoiled brats without co

This week

This week has been one of the most challenging in some time.  At work there were numerous projects due and not enough time or assistance to do it to the best of our ability. At times it seemed I was running on pure adrenaline.  I've also been dealing with guilt.  We've been attending a church for some time but not growing as much as we should.  Attending a friend's church was a last minute decision one Sunday - and we loved the fervancy, excitement, and genuineness of the church.  The church we now belong to has just a handful of members and I hate letting them down by not being there.  I know it's more important that our family attend a church where we can grow and feel the Holy Spirit - but concern that our former church family is floundering and looking for the church to grow makes me sad.  If only our former church would join with the church very close to it, I think both churches would prosper.  Tired - yes, and probably not putting my thoughts down in the most