
Showing posts from May, 2014

Memorial Day

Thankful for all the men and women that have fought and served in our armed forces to protect our freedom.  Without their dedication and sacrifice we would not have the privileges we have today. May God continue to bless our armed forces and those that serve our country.


Challenges - To remain indifferent to the challenges we face is indefensible. If the goal is noble, whether or not it is realized within our lifetime is largely irrelevant. What we must do therefore is to strive and persevere and never give up . -Dalai Lama There are times I love challenges, they excite me and motivate me.  Other times, they exhaust me and I allow them to wear me down.  I think the hardest challenges are at times personal.  I've been told to give up - or quit trying so hard - to let things be as they are - in regards to certain situations, but it's so wonderful when things get better. I'm certain there will be many more challenges in the future with our wonderful blended family, but I am also praying that there will be many blessings as we rise to meet those challenges.  May each of us meet our challenges of today head-on, and if we fail, get back up and try again.

Girl Time

Saturday morning, my 7-year-old daughter, Casey, my 18-year-old son, Dakota, and my loving husband, Cleve and I went to an early morning birthday party for one of my and Cleve's grandkids, Charlie.  Charlie is 5 now, thinks he is a big boy, full of energy and interesting conversation, and has a smile like sunshine.  As always at Nana Ray's house, the kitchen (gathering place) is overflowing, full of good smells (Saturday it was chili beans, chicken and rice pudding, and other assorted yummies) and to get around one another is a challenge.  For a introvert such as myself, the constant buzz is pleasant yet a tad overwhelming. Did I share pleasantries with everyone while yet showing the right amount of attention to the kids?  Honestly, I don't know - just keeping my balance and trying not to leave anyone out is tiring.  What I do know is that Charlie had a good time.  His smiles reverberate throughout Nana's household and all that love him couldn't help but be happy.