
Showing posts from 2016
" Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." - Helen Keller We all suffer but some of us go through more trials than others.  I believe to be the best you can be - you have to fight against those struggles.  If Helen Keller who was struck blind and deaf at age two graduated from college in 1904, can we afford to let our challenges hinder us to the point we give up?! I think not. If we are overcomers - and most of us are - then we will succeed no matter what our circumstances. It may take some of us longer but we will get there. I read that it took 25 years for Helen to learn to speak so others could understand her.  Helen advocated for the welfare of blind people, and in 1915 she partnered with George Kessler and co-founded Helen Keller International.  Did you know she helped found the American Civil Liberties Union or that she wrote a book?  Take that first step today. If you could do any thing, what would you aspire to do?  Start today. Yo


It was after reading my nephew's blog that I became convicted. You see - this blog was designed to help me deal with frustration that I was having trouble with. It was designed to be a personal space where I could write how I felt and to help me come up with ideas on how to better communicate with certain people that I was in contact with.  I didn't mind people who I didn't know seeing the ramblings because what I go through is so similar to what many others experience. Ephesians 4:29: Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."  I wonder how much pouring my heart, pain, frustration and yes - bitterness into prose has helped.  It eased the pain perhaps for a time; and it did help me to put things in words so I could better communicate later.  Let us none allow bitterness into our souls - into our lives - into our hearts. Today I choose not to be bitter but to be
Times change - people change, but friends remain in our hearts forever. Today I thought on how much I've been blessed with good friends. My heart is thankful.