
I began to write about fibro and the challenges that those who experience it go through - fibro fog, flu-like symptoms, muscle tenderness and aches and pains, but that's just not what I want to write about today.  Instead, I want to write about how thankful I am to have a job, to have dear friends that truly care about me, to have the best bosses, to have a loving husband, two precious children and a wonderful family.  I have one of those truly happy families and I know what a blessing that is.  I've experienced the loss of a wonderful husband, the loss of my dad, my brother and my mother moving away, but I have so much that I don't take for granted.  My husband is so loving and attentive to me.  He truly believes I'm the love of his life and special.  Bless his heart for knowing me and still feeling that way.  My children are soft-hearted and respectful and we are all so close and share things many families do not.  The church that we have been attending has welcomed us and truly cares about us and our well-being.  Having a flat tire the day before yesterday and having my husband to call on to come fix it, well, that's a blessing.  Having him negotiate yesterday with local stores to find a decent price on the tires, that's a blessing.  Having a boss that both picked me up from the store and later dropped me back off to get my car - and really didn't seem to mind at all - what a blessing!  Oh, and my co-workers.  They aren't just co-workers, they are my friends and we care about one another.

And then my precious aunts.  Not a day goes by without one or more contacting me to check on me and telling me how much they love me.  Not a day goes by that one or another of my friends doesn't call, text, or email to say they were thinking about me and love me. 

So, even with the discomfort and pain of what my body is feeling today, I'm rejoicing - truly happy!

My life is wonderful.........


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