Best Intentions and Blended Families - Random thoughts for the day

Today I was thinking of blended families. Each one comes with its' challenges and blessings. Being a step-mom to two grown women with children of their own, I have learned to tread carefully. I never plan my young daughter's birthday party with only her in mind, but instead consider my step-daughter's desires and what they want and whether they might be hurt if I didn't do this or that. I can't plan outings with my steps because they don't want their birth-mother to be upset. They don't include me on emailed pictures of the grandkids because their birth-mother might be threatened. Grandkids aren't allowed to spend the night because they must consider their mother's feelings first. Now don't think harshly of their b-mother. She is their mother - the one that helped raise them. I wasn't around when they were in the home. I know it would be hard to think of someone that came into their...